Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Am I good enough?

Each day that I write, I smile, enjoying myself.  I get lost writing my story, wanting to know what happens next (just like any reader).  I am happy with the flow of the story, what the characters are doing, and happy with my word choices.

Then it happens. 

I start to second guess myself.  Why do I do that?  I think I write well, but just like any writer, there is always room for improvement.   People tell me they love how I write and I have been told that I have a unique style and to not lose that. But, when I look at another author's story, I become discouraged and stop writing.  I can't tell you how many stories I have started and pushed to the side because I didn't think I was good enough.  And now, I am going through the same thing I always do.  I tell my daughter to never give up and try your hardest, but it's easier said then done.

My sister-n-law is perusing an acting career.  I expressed to her how proud I am of her and she responded by saying "I just feel like you only live once so you should try to do whatever you want and who cares if u suck at it-at least u tried something cool."

She has a point.  What kind of role model am I to my daughter if I don't peruse the one thing I have always wanted to do...write.  My daughter has also started to write, she is pretty darn good too (she's 9).

So, if my amazing sister-n-law can peruse what she wants, and I have inspired my daughter to write, why not make them both just as proud of me as I am of them and finish a story.

It doesn't matter if I think I am good at the craft or not, it matter's what the masses think.  So, I am going to continue writing, the way I want, the story I want and know that no matter what happens, I did what made me happy.

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