Tuesday, September 9, 2014

What I've learned so far about promoting my book

I see on twitter all of the time different people offering to promote your book for a fee.  Some may offer book promotions for just $10 while others want more with the promise of sharing your book with all of their twitter and facebook followers.  I am here to tell  you to save your money and invest it into something worthy like a book cover or an editor.

I did pay a couple of people/groups to promote my book on twitter and while they did what they promised, I gained nothing from it.  Yes I suppose more people saw my book but I do not have anything to show for it except for money that could have been spent on better things, like purchase a copy of Scrivener.

I have made my share of mistakes and I have learned the hard way what works and what doesn't--still learning.  If you are proud of your book scream it from the roof tops and don't pay anyone to do that for you.  Engage with people on twitter and there's also twitter groups that will retweet your post for free.  GoodReads has tons of groups you can join for discussions, to engage with other readers as well as promote, & lets not forget about cross promotions.  You will be amazed at how many authors will become your biggest fan since they are readers too.

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