Saturday, July 19, 2014

About me

Although I am pretty sure you are more interested in the entertainment I will bring to you rather than who I am, I figured I would tell  you anyway.  For my privacy and the privacy of my family, you will never see a picture of me.  I would like to be able to be with my family, especially my daughter, and not have someone trot up to me and say something about my writing or my book--especially if they didn't like it.  So for now, you'll just need to live with my witch pic :-)

I grew up in a small town and since there wasn't much to do except to cause havoc, I turned to reading at an early age.  One of my favorite authors was (still is) Stephen King.  And as the cliche goes, that's when the love of writing began as well.  I wanted to write horror stories,  I wanted to be the next Stephen King.  Well...that never happened.  I would write on and off and found that expression through words was incredibly helpful for me to get through my teen years.  Eventually, life took over and the need to work was more important than the need to write.

When my daughter asked me a few years ago why I didn't write anymore, I couldn't give her an answer.  There was absolutely no reason what so ever why I should have stopped writing, stopped learning the craft.  I might be successful today if I just kept at it.  But I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and the only conclusion I can come up with, I wasn't ready back then but I am ready now.

I wrote A tale of two witches for my daughter.  Yes it's a YA book but I wrote it so even kids at the age of 9 can read it.  I have to market it as YA since the characters in the story are 16 and older, but anyone can read it.  I want her to be proud of me and also I do this to inspire her.  She herself is very talented and loves to write.  She enters writing contests as well as participates in the writing UIL's at her school.  I know one day she will be a great author.  She is very involved with my writing always wanting to know what chapter I am on, what my word count is, and how many pages it will be.  She told me not to make my books too long lol

I have find joy in writing again and I am excited about it.  I look forward to the little writing time I get and enjoy getting lost in my other world.  While I am waiting for A tale of two witches to be edited and polished, I have started working on book 2--By the light of the moon.  I hope that I can have A take of two witches uploaded on Amazon and ready to go by the beginning of August, so make sure you watch for the announcement :-)

I also now have a website too

Thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings.  Go enjoy your weekend and read a book or two.

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