The most challenging aspect of writing that I face is developing the story/character plot.
Some writers create a complete outline for each chapter, each character and knows what will happen in the story (including the subplots) from the beginning all the way to the end. These writers are known as Plotters.
Then you have your Pantser writers. These writers just sit down and type out their story by the seat of their pants. They only have a small idea on what they would like to happen in the story, but for the most part they write whatever pops into their mind.
Lastly there's the Plantser writer. This type of writer is both a plotter and a pantser. They make rough notes on what they would like to see happen in the story as well as any changes to the characters. These writers start writing with a general idea while following their notes to keep them on track.
I am a plantser writer. I keep a notepad near by as well as a notepad on my phone. As an idea comes to me I jot them down. When it is time for me to write, I glance at my notes, sit in front of my laptop and write whatever flows into my thoughts. I have a hard time plotting out a complete outline since my creative mind constantly shifts directions. It took me a long time to accept what type of writer I am. I always thought because I didn't create an outline I was doing something wrong and shouldn't follow my dream. But I eventually got over that realizing that just like anything in life, it takes all kinds. Some of the best writers fall into each of these categories.
So the question is, what type of writer are you?
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